Pustaka Dewi Приложения

Chemistry Textbook 3.1
Pustaka Dewi
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Communications Textbook 3.1
Pustaka Dewi
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World History Textbook 34.2
Pustaka Dewi
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Art History Textbook 1.1
Pustaka Dewi
Art is a highly diverse range of human activities engagedincreating visual, auditory, orperformedartifacts— artworks—that express the author'simaginative ortechnical skill, and are intended to be appreciatedfor theirbeauty or emotional power. The oldest documented forms ofart arevisual arts, which include images or objects in fieldslikepainting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and othervisualmedia. Architecture is often included as one of the visualarts;however, like the decorative arts, it involves the creationofobjects where the practical considerations of use are essential,ina way that they usually are not in another visual art, likeapainting.  Art may be characterized in terms of mimesis(itsrepresentation of reality), expression, communication ofemotion,or other qualities. Though the definition of whatconstitutes artis disputed and has changed over time, generaldescriptions centeron the idea of imaginative or technical skillstemming from humanagency and creation. When it comes to visuallyidentifying a workof art, there is no single set of values oraesthetic traits. ABaroque painting will not necessarily share muchwith acontemporary performance piece, but they are both consideredart.Despite the seemingly indefinable nature of art, there havealwaysexisted certain formal guidelines for its aesthetic judgmentandanalysis. Formalism is a concept in art theory in whichanartwork's artistic value is determined solely by its form, orhowit is made. Formalism evaluates works on a purely visuallevel,considering medium and compositional elements as opposed toanyreference to realism, context, or content.  Art isoftenexamined through the interaction of the principles andelements ofart. The principles of art include movement, unity,harmony,variety, balance, contrast, proportion and pattern. Theelementsinclude texture, form, space, shape, color, value and line.Thevarious interactions between the elements and principles ofarthelp artists to organize sensorially pleasing works of artwhilealso giving viewers a framework within which to analyze anddiscussaesthetic ideas. Table Of Content : 1 Thinking and TalkingAboutArt 2 Prehistoric Art 3 Art of the Ancient Near East 4AncientEgyptian Art 5 Art of the Aegean Civilizations 6 AncientGreece 7The Etruscans 8 The Romans 9 The Byzantines 10 Islamic Art11 Artof South and Southeast Asia Before 1200 CE 12 Chinese andKoreanArt Before 1279 CE 13 Japan Before 1333 CE 14 Native-AmericanArtBefore 1300 CE 15 Africa Before 1800 CE 16 Early Medieval Europe17Romanesque Art 18 Gothic Art 19 The Italian Renaissance 20TheNorthern Renaissance 21 The Baroque Period 22 South andSoutheastAsia After 1200 CE 23 China and Korea After 1279 CE 24Japan After1333 CE 25 The Americas After 1300 CE 26 Oceania 27Africa in theModern Period 28 European and American Art in the 18thand 19thCenturies 29 Europe and America from 1900-1950 CE 30 GlobalArtSince 1950 CE The eBooks app features allows the user to :CustomFonts Custom Text Size Themes / Day mode / Night modeTextHighlighting List / Edit / Delete Highlights Handle InternalandExternal Links Portrait / Landscape Reading Time Left / PagesleftIn-App Dictionary Media Overlays (Sync text rendering withaudioplayback) TTS - Text to Speech Support Book Search Add Notesto aHighlight Last Read Position Listener HorizontalreadingDistraction Free Reading Credits : Boundless (CreativeCommonsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0))FolioReader,Heberti Almeida (CodeToArt Technology) Cover byDesigned bynew7ducks / Freepik Pustaka Dewi, www.pustakadewi.com
Anatomy & Physiology Textbook 3.1
Pustaka Dewi
Learn All About Anatomy and Physiology
Physics Textbook 3.1
Pustaka Dewi
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Calculus Textbook 3.1
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Business Textbook 3.1
Pustaka Dewi
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Sociology Textbook 3.1
Pustaka Dewi
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Management Textbook 3.2
Pustaka Dewi
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Statistics Textbook 3.1
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Political Science Textbook 3.1
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Economics Textbook 1.1
Pustaka Dewi
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Biology Textbook 1.1
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Project Management Textbook 3.1
Pustaka Dewi
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Algebra Textbook 3.2
Pustaka Dewi
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Psychology Textbook 3.1
Pustaka Dewi
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Accounting Textbook 3.1
Pustaka Dewi
Learn All About Accountancy
Finance Textbook 1.1
Pustaka Dewi
Finance is the study of fund management and asset allocationovertime. Funds consist of money and other assets. There aremanydifferent types of finance, but all are fundamentallyconcernedwith studying how best to allocate assets in differentconditionsover time. Figuring out what to do with assets issometimes easy:all of the variables are known, and there is clearlyan option thatis better than all the others. However, most of thetime, this isnot the case. Finance generally operates with a lot ofuncertainty.As a result, companies hire entire departments ofpeople to helpthem figure out which option is best. Table OfContent : 1Introduction to the Field and Goals of FinancialManagement 2Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash Flow 3 AnalyzingFinancialStatements 4 Forecasting Financial Statements 5 The TimeValue ofMoney 6 Bond Valuation 7 Stock Valuation 8 Introduction toRisk andReturn 9 Security Market Efficiency and Returns 10Introduction tothe Cost of Capital 11 Capital Budgeting 12 The Roleof Risk inCapital Budgeting 13 Capital Structure 14 ObtainingCapital:Methods of Long-Term Financing 15 Dividends 16 OptionsandCorporate Finance 17 Introduction to Working Capital 18WorkingCapital Management 19 Overview of Short-Term Financing 20Mergersand Acquisitions 21 Financial Management Outside of the U.S.TheeBooks app features allows the user to : Custom Fonts CustomTextSize Themes / Day mode / Night mode Text Highlighting List /Edit /Delete Highlights Handle Internal and External Links Portrait/Landscape Reading Time Left / Pages left In-App DictionaryMediaOverlays (Sync text rendering with audio playback) TTS - TexttoSpeech Support Book Search Add Notes to a Highlight LastReadPosition Listener Horizontal reading Distraction FreeReadingCredits : Boundless (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike3.0Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)) FolioReader, Heberti Almeida(CodeToArtTechnology) Cover by Designed by new7ducks / FreepikPustaka Dewi,www.pustakadewi.com
Marketing Textbook 3.1
Pustaka Dewi
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Pustaka Dewi 1.0
Pustaka Dewi
Pustaka Dewi hadir melayani jasa penerbitan indie (selfpublishing)digital, untuk semua produk kreatif digital denganmenawarkankelonggaran dalam seleksi karya kreatif digital yang akanmenjadimitra kami. Kami berkomitmen bahwa suatu karya tidak adayang tidaklayak di nikmati oleh setiap orang. Tugas kami selakupublisherdigital harus memfasilitasi kepada setiap orang denganmemberikankesempatan dalam mengembangkan kretifitas yang merekamiliki untukmenciptakan karya yang lebih baik di masa yang akandatang. Kamimemilih logo bunga warna merah dengan daun hijau yangmenunjukancinta, rasa hormat, dan keindahan untuk menunjukkankonsistensisemangat muda yang penuh keyakinan bahwa kami akan terusberinovasidan berkembang dalam berkontribusi terhadap produkdigital kreatifyang berkualitas. Passion, Quality, InnovationDengan filosofitersebut kami bertekad untuk melahirkan authorkreatif denganproduk digital yang mampu berkompetensi, berkualitasdan dapatmembantu mereka mencapai cita-citanya sebagai authorproduk kreatifprofessional. Pustaka Dewi(http://www.pustakadewi.com)FinestWebView(https://github.com/TheFinestArtist/FinestWebView-Android)
Microbiology Textbook 1.1
Pustaka Dewi
Learn All About Microbiology
U.S. History Textbook 1.1
Pustaka Dewi
Learn All About U.S. History